This is what you need to know if you are going to study in Zwolle
From finding a room to going out!
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Are you planning to study in Zwolle? How nice! In this article you will find some tips about finding a room, the introduction weeks, going out and student associations. Good luck and have fun in beautiful Zwolle!

Introduction during the Bruisweeks
Bruisweken Zwolle]( The Bruisweeks are the best way to get to know your fellow students and the city of Zwolle. As a new student you will be accompanied by senior students from your study programme. How much fun is that? The introduction weeks take place at the end of August. It is aimed at both first year MBO and HBO students. That's going to be a lot of fun in the center of Zwolle! During the Bruisweeks a lot of fun activities will be organized such as an 'XXL Playground' and an 'Escape Zwolle'. In addition, you can meet an inspiring speaker at the TED Talk in Poppodium Hedon. You can register for the Bruisweeks through the participating programs.
Finding a room in Zwolle
Finding a room for your study can sometimes be quite a job. It can't hurt to keep an eye on rental websites regularly. There are several options for Zwolle as well. In addition, you can search in Facebook groups or by simply posting a message. Perhaps there is someone in your own network who can help you further! Are the prices of available apartments in Zwolle too high? Then consider renting something together with friends. That way you have extra budget and probably a bigger room. Finally, you can check out the different student associations in Zwolle.
The Thorbeckegracht](
Zwolle student associations
Zwolle has several student associations. There are both general and education-related student associations. ZHTC, for example, is such a general association. Here you will get to know people from different studies. It has its own social club where every week fun activities are organized. Other general student associations where you won't be bored for a moment are Gumbo Millennium, Oikos Nomos and ZSR Boreas. The latter is also a rowing club. And did you know that there is a student association that is mainly aimed at LGBTQI+ students? At AtmosQueer, everyone is welcome! In addition, you'll find education-related student associations in Zwolle, such as Eudaimon and Vestuvalo, and Christian student associations, such as Absens Carens and Ichthus.
The different neighborhoods of Zwolle
Zwolle has numerous nice and cozy neighborhoods! Adjacent to the historic center you will find Assendorp. This authentic residential area has many impressive buildings such as the Dominican Monastery and the St. Jozefkerk. In addition, you will find the large city park De Wezenlanden. The Diezerpoort is a beautiful working-class neighborhood, also adjacent to the center. Its location is ideal because you can walk to many stores and supermarkets. Theater De Spiegel](location://24617 "Theater De Spiegel") is also close by. The larger districts of Zwolle include Zwolle-Zuid, Stadshagen, Berkum and Westenholte. The advantage is that you will find a shopping center in each district, but also the center of Zwolle is within cycling distance.
Going out in Poppodium Hedon](
Nightlife in Zwolle
What could be more fun than going out while studying in Zwolle? This Hanseatic city is eminently suitable for going out. For cozy terraces go for example to Las Rosas, Stadscafé Blij or In Den Hoofdwacht. For lovers of special beer, a visit to Stadscafé Het Refter or Café de Belgische Keizer is not to be missed! You can party until the wee hours in the Voorstraat. Here you will find cozy clubs and cafes, such as Het Vliegende Paard, Shotto and Bloopers. Café de Stoof and 't Swolsch Café are also fun to visit. Want to go completely crazy? Then go to Poppodium Hedon. Whether you prefer pop, jazz, rock, blues or even metal: in Hedon you will always find an event that fits.
Study in peace and quiet? You can do it here!
Stadkamer Zwolle]( Studying is of course not all about the parties. For a quiet study session you can go to different places in Zwolle. Besides your regular campus or school library, the Stadkamer is a perfect place to study in peace. You can find four branches of the Stadkamer in Zwolle: the city center, the Aa-landen, Stadshagen and Zwolle-Zuid. Here you can also borrow relevant books and of course read. Or choose to study on a nice day in one of the quiet parks in Zwolle. In addition, there are several nice coffee shops where you can sit, such as Barista Café Zwolle, Bagels & Beans and The Chocolate Company.