Herman Brood Museum
Blijmarkt 21 8011 ND Zwolle

The Herman Brood Museum displays a broad collection of Herman Brood's work, drawn from the private collections of friends and family. Admire the work of Herman Brood and get to know the singer and artist personally, through photos, audio, drawings and letters. Experience the real Herman Brood Experience!
Located on the Blijmarkt of Zwolle, in a characteristic building from 1444, you will find the Herman Brood Museum. This special museum was opened in April 2017 to permanently appreciate Herman Brood. The Zwolle-born Herman Brood was a true race artist. He expressed this in various forms, including music, poems, paintings and screen prints. All this can now be admired in the Herman Brood Museum in Zwolle.
The Herman Brood Collection
The Herman Brood Museum shows a broad collection of the artist's works. Think for example of paintings on canvas, letters, drawings and poems written by Herman. There are also personal items from Brood himself on display. Never-before-seen photographs, attributes painted by him, pieces of clothing and painting materials give you a glimpse into the life of Brood.
Besides the permanent Brood collection the Herman Brood Museum shows every three months a new Rock 'n Roll related exhibition. Think of The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Willy de Ville and Queen.
Herman Brood Museum](https://www.touristserver.nl/img/158090-1598541460/C1380X1010/herman+brood+experience.jpeg)
The Herman Brood Experience
If you would like to make your visit to the Herman Brood Museum complete, then why not take a look at the Herman Brood Experience. Book the 'Herman Brood Walk' or 'Broodstyle Workshop' in combination with a visit to the Herman Brood Museum. During the 'Herman Broodstyle' workshop you will learn about Herman Brood's real techniques and be able to apply them yourself!
Herman Bread Shop
After your visit to the Herman Bread Museum you can browse around in the store. You will find everything here: from paintings painted by Herman Brood and his music to souvenirs. This gives you the chance to take a little bit of the Herman Brood Experience home with you!