Arnold is a Zwollenaar


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Zwolle has become the city of Arnold Fransen. He lives in the heart of the city on the Thorbeckewal. Through Brabant, Meppel, Giethoorn, Wanneperveen and Nieuwleusen he finally arrived in this beautiful Hanseatic city. First he lived in the Aa-landen and then he moved to the city center. You will meet Arnold frequently in the city and with the daily management of Raakvlak Academy. He is also one of the initiators of 'Greetings from Zwolle'. Why Zwolle has become his city, you can read below in his blog.

One of the most beautiful cities in the Netherlands

Zwolle is one of the most beautiful cities in the Netherlands. I have always been involved with theater and music and in that area there is a lot happening in Zwolle. I worked for 5 years as an organizer of the Frion Festival, supported the Thorbeckegracht Festival, but also worked on a lot of smaller cultural events in the city.

At the Raakvlak Academy we support young people in their musical theatrical development. Culture is important for a person; it connects us. This connection is made by sharing the visual arts, music and theater with others. Making things (together) enriches us, makes us creative and provides a social network. But it is not self-evident that you can/can participate. Even if you have a talent, you (sometimes) need others to be able to develop it further. Within the Raakvlak Academy these talents are given a chance.

Cycling in and around Zwolle

In my spare time, I love cycling. I am a member of the 'Zwolsch Rijwiel Genootschap', a club that started during a Friday afternoon drink in 'Het Proeflokaal van Zwolle'. I have made a number of long cycling trips to France, Rome and Valencia. In preparation I cycled a lot in and around Zwolle. Towards the Veluwe in the woods or towards Zwartsluis with its lake areas and towards the beautiful rolling Salland. All fantastic cycling areas around Zwolle.

Playful actions in the city center

Zwolle has developed positively in recent years. With a beautiful downtown surrounded by a beautiful city canal. Partly thanks to Gastvrij Zwolle and the ZwolleFonds the 'Groeten uit Zwolle' can come to our town centre with playful actions. For example, the mirrors of the toilets in the catering industry were plastered with poems at the beginning of the corona crisis. These are poems by Zwolle citizens that support the 20 seconds hand washing. They are still hanging there.

Last year the terraces were provided with ladder seating. A nice moment for a level conversation, a high tea or for a nice photo opportunity. For the coming boating season, activities are planned in and around the city canal.

Arnold's top 3

  • Almost the smallest pub in Zwolle, but for me certainly the most enjoyable pub is 'Het Proeflokaal van Zwolle'. For us a great place to end the week on a Friday afternoon. I also like to go to 'Café De Tagrijn', one of the nicest pubs in Zwolle. Then a bite to eat in town at 'Bokkers te buiten' or 'Jaffa Jaffa'. There is plenty of choice!
  • The city canal. We regularly take a trip around the city center. There are rental companies with boats with an electric motor. A great way to enjoy our beautiful city center without causing inconvenience to houseboats or neighbors.
  • The English Work comes in at 3. The English Work is an excellent place to take a walk with the dog. It is a beautiful park.

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