Kraanbolwerk, Weezenlanden and Stadshagen: national examples of climate-proof living
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Zwolle excels in climate-proof living. In the redevelopment of the Kraanbolwerk residential project outside the dikes, climate-proof homes were realized in close cooperation with the water board and the province. The homes have been built higher so that they will remain dry even during higher water levels (as a result of climate change) and the entrance to the parking garage can be closed off so that the cars will remain dry during high water. At the edge of Weezenlanden the souterrains and cellars of the houses function as water barriers, which is unique in the Netherlands on this scale. And Stadshagen, a large district with some 25,000 inhabitants that is still being developed, is a national example of sustainable and climate-proof development. The district has a smart network of waterworks (including the sound barrier) and public spaces that function as water buffers. The most sustainable house in the Netherlands is even in this district! The development in the subarea of De Tippe goes one step further; this zone will not only be developed sustainably and climate adaptively, but even circularly.